Steam app, which uses the classic method of keeping the two processes separate, is much more efficient on my config (SSD + high bandwidth): a 36GBs game would be ready to play within 20 minutes on Steam (15 minutes download + 5 minutes installation) while it takes more than 1h30 hour with Epic Launcher. Original: Merging the two parts - aptly called 'downstalling' - significantly increases the time users have to spend sitting in front of their screen before being able to play the game. Updated #2: Thanks for the silver, noble stranger!
Bottom line is: It's not acceptable to have to wait for more than 4x the time a Steam user has to wait before being able to play a game. more parallelization, better servers, feature to pause downloads and resume them in the next OS session). Attraverso questo programma, è possibile ottenere giochi come Fortnite, Unreal Tournament, Shadow Complex e Paragon. Sorry for the mistaken assumption of mine and let's hope Epic improves its client and network (i.e. Epic Games Launcher 13.3.0: Epic Games Launcher è un tool che ti permette di acquistare e scaricare giochi e altri prodotti da Epic Games. Updated #1: I stand corrected, Steam client applies the same method (installing while downloading) as Epic Launcher, but apparently in a much more efficient way.